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Kunal Nandwani
Jun 28, 20214 min read
Google effect – impact on original thinking
Back in the pre-internet days, if someone asked you a tricky question, you had a couple of options. You could see if anyone you knew had...

Kunal Nandwani
Jun 25, 20215 min read
Life, consciousness, evolution and oneness – A game?
Think for a moment about a time before we were born. Where were we? Now think ahead to a time after our death. Where will we be? The...

Kunal Nandwani
Mar 24, 20217 min read
What if he we humans made some decisions differently? Can we solve some big problems today?
Decision-making is an inevitable aspect of life whether done consciously or subconsciously. Even the big decisions where we think we are...

Kunal Nandwani
Apr 19, 20204 min read
Silver Linings of this Dark Cloud: What Good Is Emerging From this Pandemic
The year 2020 began with the world getting afflicted with a pandemic so unyielding that even after four gruelling months of advanced...

Kunal Nandwani
Apr 16, 20205 min read
Future of The Greenbacks: Are the Dollar Days Over?
The US Dollar has enjoyed global dominance since it overtook British Pound post World War II as the globally accepted currency for...

Kunal Nandwani
Apr 15, 20207 min read
How India Might Evolve From Covid-19 Crisis
In recent history, the world has seen pandemics as deadly as the Black Death and the Bubonic Plague. It has also witnessed the Great...

Kunal Nandwani
Apr 6, 20202 min read
Why should we not borrow/print money to revive the economy post Covid-19 crisis
Most human babies grow from ~20 inches at birth to around 5-7 feet by the time they are 20 years old or so, and then they stop growing....

Kunal Nandwani
Apr 3, 20204 min read
We are in the Middle of World War 3 – That Russia & China Are Winning
Disclaimer: This is a conspiracy theory-based article. Some parts are factually true while some others are extrapolations with an overlay...

Kunal Nandwani
Mar 18, 20203 min read
Raising human morals while dealing with COVID-19
The latest challenge that Humanity is facing is the unfortunate outbreak (and now a pandemic) of COVID-19 or coronavirus which has...

Kunal Nandwani
Feb 18, 20205 min read
Carbon Footprint Tracking – Chasing the Carbon Trail & Hunting It Down
What comes to your mind when you hear about Climate Change and carbon footprints? News reports, Greta Thunberg, Paris Climate Agreement...

Kunal Nandwani
Feb 18, 20204 min read
Food Waste Management – How Badly the World Needs It
How many times did you have to throw away your food because you couldn’t eat it? I bet you don’t have the count. We throw away food so...

Kunal Nandwani
Feb 12, 20203 min read
Changing Gears for a New Era: Why We Need to Switch to Green Energy Sooner!!!
Changing Gears for a New Era: Why We Need to Switch to Green Energy Sooner Electric cars, Segway, hoverboards and reusable rockets, these...

Kunal Nandwani
Apr 21, 201912 min read
Understanding and Solving Air Pollution (thats causing millions of deaths around the World)
India boasts of a staggering statistic. At least 1.6 million Indians die each year due to complications arising from air pollution. Air...

Kunal Nandwani
Nov 6, 20188 min read
Book release and review – Squaring the Blockchain circle
Squaring the Blockchain circle (Nov 2018) The hype-fog surrounding the blockchain and its offspring cryptocurrencies is peaking, and this...

Kunal Nandwani
May 22, 20184 min read
Global Warning
Climate change is considered the third most serious issue facing the world, only after international terrorism and poverty & hunger. So...

Kunal Nandwani
Apr 30, 20184 min read
The world (produce) is not enough
Most of us reading this are fortunate enough to be taking multiple shots of our gorgeously plated meals possibly with the ‘portrait mode’...

Kunal Nandwani
Apr 17, 20184 min read
Water water every-“WHERE”?
Water water every-WHERE? 71% of the earth’s surface is covered in water but cities throughout the world have started facing the impending...

Kunal Nandwani
Apr 12, 20185 min read
Let’s talk TRASH
Aren’t all of us guilty of using plastic in some way or the other. It has become such an indispensable part of our lives that we don’t...

Kunal Nandwani
Apr 12, 20185 min read
Will quitting Facebook make you happier??? It’s about time.
Life without Facebook As a generation of meme creators and sharers make hilarious jokes about how there’s no question about our personal...
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