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Kunal Nandwani
May 10, 20181 min read
Walmart Flipkart deal – Real winner is Amazon
Lets briefly examine the good, bad and ugly parts of the deal, for various stakeholders Good for Flipkart employees, shareholders, and...

Kunal Nandwani
Apr 12, 20185 min read
Let’s talk TRASH
Aren’t all of us guilty of using plastic in some way or the other. It has become such an indispensable part of our lives that we don’t...

Kunal Nandwani
Jun 27, 20172 min read
When to give up in a startup – evaluate…
Most entrepreneurs face several uphill challenges for years, before potentially transforming their startup into a sustainable business....

Kunal Nandwani
May 4, 20173 min read
Human perception of “Value” and “Free Internet Platforms”
Is there a free lunch, ever? We humans value something higher if it’s expensive / limited, & lower if its free / unlimited; rather than...

Kunal Nandwani
Mar 22, 20174 min read
Humanity Challenges – need global solutions, driven by Machines
Background Humanity has evolved through few key eras, over the last 10+ billions of years. Evolution of life form from molecules to...

Kunal Nandwani
Aug 3, 20163 min read
Branding your startup – How did uTrade do it?
Branding your Start-up So you’ve jumped across all the hurdles in your way, put in sweat and blood, and invested countless hours to...

Kunal Nandwani
Jun 20, 20168 min read
How to Avoid a Kodak Moment for your Company
Kodak Cameras History Kodak developed the first simple, consumer camera. For over a century following this, Eastman Kodak was the biggest...

Kunal Nandwani
May 26, 20165 min read
What Will Make Startup India Truly ‘Stand Up’ And…
What a year 2016 is turning out to be from the viewpoint of India’s Startup ecosystem! The year got off to a ‘Big-Bang’ start with the...

Kunal Nandwani
Jul 16, 20152 min read
Robots: Are we creating the Superior Species that will…
Robots, Technology, Automation, etc. have existed since the last century; but they got smarter, relevant and widely used across most...

Kunal Nandwani
Jun 9, 20152 min read
5 Key Reasons why most Start-ups Fail
Several startup failures can be categorised into few common and classic mistakes. 1. Build a product / service which is not required Many...

Kunal Nandwani
May 29, 20153 min read
API Economy: Why Every Tech Company needs an API Strategy
Businesses run a variety of applications, each containing and holding data vital to the needs of an organization. These applications...

Kunal Nandwani
Dec 19, 20144 min read
Why we need Disruptive Start-ups focused on “Bigger than Life” Issues
I am a Start-up entrepreneur and have learnt more doing my startup in the last 3 years than I did in the previous 30 years or my life. I...

Kunal Nandwani
Nov 8, 20142 min read
Idea behind Startup Pundit
Over the last few years, I seeked advice and mentorship from various senior and kind leaders in the capital markets and technology...

Kunal Nandwani
Jul 9, 20142 min read
Why you should not join a Growth Stage Start-up…
Having done 2000+ final round interviews (for shortlisted candidates) in the last 3 years, we have had several discussions with...

Kunal Nandwani
Mar 17, 20142 min read
Why High Internet Valuation misguides the Entrepreneur Focus
Entrepreneurship is booming around the world. This decade will witness most start-up firms ever in the history of mankind. The balance of...

Kunal Nandwani
Feb 4, 20143 min read
Chosing Partner Clients in Start-up’s Growth Stage
It’s a good situation for a start-up to have built a product / service and have some live / beta client(s) to work with. If proven, the...

Kunal Nandwani
Oct 26, 20132 min read
Managing Start-ups in Growth Phase
It’s a brave move for entrepreneurs to move from any “comfortable” career path to start a start-up. Some of those with lot of hard work...

Kunal Nandwani
Aug 18, 20136 min read
First-time Entrepreneurs, Be Aware of these 50 Things
Business Planning Don’t make a business plan where you target to get a few percentage points of a multi-million of billion market, and...

Kunal Nandwani
May 29, 20132 min read
8 Reasons why Engineers can become Good Entrepreneurs
As we know that some successful entrepreneurs are drop outs from various colleges, its definitely not a pre-requisite though. Many...

Kunal Nandwani
Feb 27, 20133 min read
Letting Someone Go in a Start-up
Good teams increase the probability of a start-up success. The start-up team includes its co-founders, employees, investors and board...

Kunal Nandwani
Feb 9, 20134 min read
An Entrepreneur’s Decision-Making Process and Next Best Alternatives
Arguably, time is the most important commodity in a start-up, and not Funds. You cannot raise more time. As an entrepreneur, you will...

Kunal Nandwani
Feb 4, 20132 min read
Lessons Entrepreneurs can Learn from Kids
Adults are typically biased and afraid of more things than they need to be. Entrepreneurs can draw a lot of inspiration from the behavior...

Kunal Nandwani
Jan 5, 20133 min read
Entrepreneurs: Know Your Customers, and that They Don’t Know…
It’s paramount for entrepreneurs to know and understand their customers. The customer relationship can help grow business as well as...

Kunal Nandwani
Dec 3, 20123 min read
Sharing a Start-up Idea
I have met several aspiring entrepreneurs who feel very possessive about their idea. They want to get feedback, business advice, opinion...
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